Hang Jung Ling

Ph.D. student @ CREATIS, INSA Lyon, France.


I am currently in my final year as a Ph.D. student in the ULTIM team at CREATIS, INSA Lyon, France. Under the supervision of Damien Garcia, Olivier Bernard, and Pierre-Yves Courand, my thesis focuses on estimating intracardiac vector blood flow from color Dpopler echocardiography using physics-informed and physics-guided neural networks.

Previously, sponsored by the Malaysian government (JPA), I completed my preparatory class (ASINSA) and earned a Master’s Degree in Electrical engineering at INSA Lyon in 2018 and 2021, respectively.

Outside of work, I enjoy staying active with badminton and table tennis. I am also a food enthusiast, always eager to try new cuisines and culinary experiences.


Jul 03, 2024 Our paper entitled “Boosting Cardiac Color Doppler Frame Rates with Deep Learning” has been accepted for publication in IEEE TUFFC. Congratulations Julia!
Jun 06, 2024 Our paper entitled “Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Intraventricular Vector Flow Mapping” has been accepted for publication in a Spotlight issue of IEEE TUFFC! :smile:

Selected publications

  1. nnunet.gif
    Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Intraventricular Vector Flow Mapping
    H. J. Ling, S. Bru, J. PuigF. VixègeS. MendezF. NicoudP.-Y. CourandO. Bernard*, and D. Garcia*
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2024
    Early Access
  2. boosting.jpg
    Boosting Cardiac Color Doppler Frame Rates with Deep Learning
    J. PuigD. FribouletH. J. LingF. Varray, M. Mougharbel, J. PoréeJ. ProvostD. Garcia, and F. Millioz
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2024
    Early Access